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Woman, Heal Thy Self!


My Empowerment, My Way seeks to remind women how to heal themselves so they can, in turn, heal their mate(s), children, and sister circle.

You are Divine!


What would happen if you stopped worrying about fear?

What would happen if you stopped fearing change?

What would happen if you changed…and became what you always have been, what you always will be, what you always are?

The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Message from Ayesha


Welcome and congratulations on taking time to invest in YOU!!!

As we all walk together on this path of enlightenment and step fully into our Goddess energy, we open new doors and come face to face with more opportunities to tap into the Divinity that resides inside at all times. It is my honor to be here to travel with you on this journey.


It is my wish that this movement not only supplies you with priceless and healthy habits, but also encourages you to love yourself fully, wholly, and without apology.


Loving Self means to embrace who you are: spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. 


This act is not something you do once in a while, it is a livity...a on-going occurrence.


True Goddess power rises as your love for your Self increases. We're talking simple mathematics here.


We salute the Divine Feminine. As within, so without.

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Do The Work.


When we are committed to doing the work and using the tools we shine brightly.


Please keep in mind, these tools may SEEM like quick, easy, simple tools...but these tools may TRIGGER some SERIOUS blockages that may have been put in place by Self, Society, Family, "the System", or any number of other influences.


Be courageous and AT THE VERY LEAST, do the work. It is only when we do the work that we see change, that we see growth, that we see Self Realization.

One Cosmic Love


Allow love to uplift you, every chance you get. Love comes to us in countless and various forms. There are not enough numbers known to man to count the ways I have, I am, I will receive love in this lifetime alone. 

You are love. You are loved, loving, and lovable. 

Be Peace...Be Love...Be Better 

Ayesha NuRa, Founder of

My Empowerment, My Way

Most people want you to come to them. Ayesha will go to you AND bring her child. She is raw, honest, and authentic...and growing.




Thinking back on how I even stumbled across Ayesha's name...the boldness of her beauty relaxed me and the comfort she exuded made me smile, because I knew then that she didn't mind expressing herself . 


Ayesha is uplifting, vibrant, consistent, engaging and present.
She gives of herself freely. She is trusting, careful and a giver. She teaches by sharing. She always, always, always celebrates her sisters. I want all my female friends to know her - to know true female harmony.




Ayesha has shone her light upon me in ways no one would ever think one phone conversation could accomplish. I was lead to speak to her after contemplating a decision that only I could make. She listens with her heart and soul. She expresses herself so deeply.  


Ayesha has provided me with tools to help me and I am grateful. I know that the work is only now beginning, but I also know that I am not alone. Before I had been actively choosing depression, distress and to hide my light, but now I am choosing to 'be peace, be love, be better'.



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